Wednesday, September 26, 2012

attached: new elegiac poem from hari, which i wrote for cynthia & seve's wedding chapbook but which i think will also work as part of the current suite being built for this project

cecily and i met briefly yesterday to exchange lion birthday wishes and drinks (we're born 3 days and _ years apart), and the conversation dovetailed towards our group project...
she had an amazing idea for poster-type images she might make to look like they're wheat-pasted. if y'all come across any materials that might be made to look like a section of telephone pole or just cool found materials that might look like a section of city wall that she can mount her pieces on, perhaps you might gather them and bring to the next meeting (i'm real excited about it cuz it seems to work with the layering themes that keep coming up)... 
hari's attachment here........

the sound of a spider spinning (elegy for an ungrateful son)
what looks like an outcropping
of jungle and plastic leaning over curb onto lot
the skytrain slides beyond

he sees his father's anger flash
there is no temper like the kind
been pressure cooked in sacrifice

only one person in the whole
world can defeat you
and that is your self

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