i shift away from the anthropological definition of "liminal" - in part
the problems of understanding oneself in terms of "ritual" - in part as a
"hybrid" of race/culture/class/gender and so on, I find some commonality
and potential solidarity in our situations - that is, how normal it is to
be matter out of place and in between human categories ( privileges vary
though ) and what happens when we shift our thinking away from
essentialisms (or the opposition). and what we learn by acknowledging our
bodies in time and area. (also, I was traumatized by my undergrad in
anthro :))
I love the poetic interventions hari. love them.
and erik this wisdom is helpful (and calming) to meditate on:
"I have been thinking often of the Haida concept of Xhaaydla Gwaayaay: the
Islands on the Boundary Between Worlds, That space of impermenance where
the sea, the land, and the sky meet; in particular the concept of
boundary or intertidal zone. This fits, for me nicely with the concept of
when I think of the liminal body disposed to work for capital - i continue
to be drawn (and urgently so) to the enactment of policing, control and
incarceration in moments of survival, in movement for liberation. the
tangled layers of signs and symbols of the urban and how our
subjectivities can resist, assert, be present. I am pretty sure the
outcome for me will be a reworking of serial images on these themes with
gestures toward the "global street" (sassen) and I continue to centre on
the poster as a form.
in terms of the title - liminal mined works for me... down with liminal
obviously - "mined" I find a good and anxious qualifier. diversity and
hybridity and "lets melt together" and be coloured in the context of
multiculturalism is also instrumentalized. policies of the multi-culti,
indian act and neoliberal economics have viciously informed our lifetimes
relative to this state (here I'm assuming folks to be children of the 70s
or 80s...and knowing life in north america) and our bodies and communities
carry that - the title seems aware and critical of this. and it points to
resource extraction simultaneously, something that informs our
consumption, transportation and lifestyles to devastating degree and also
in this moment, a matter of global concern.
that said, I'm down with any reconsiderations of the use of the words. do
we need to provide any materials to Kafka's before the 25th?
either way, how can we begin a brainstorm for a didactic - or is that
something say, naomi, hari, that can be drafted tentatively and sent to
all of us for contemplation and smoothing?
some thoughts. sorry its somewhat of a molasses flood.
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