The theme of layers had been an early inspiration, and now combined with the concept of liminal minded and filtered through hari's writing, naomi's latest shared piece and elisa's textures I am starting to get a feel for a sense of relative creative space.
A bit on my process: with all of the material shared fresh in my mind I have been scrolling back mentally through my photography searching for a sense of resonance, trying to call up what points of voice in my work seem to apply. I have lately been preoccupied with a couple of concepts: being in the north, and at a transitional time in my life where different aspects of my life have met at a nexus where I am staking a new claim to agency I have been thinking often of the Haida concept of Xhaaydla Gwaayaay: the Islands on the Boundary Between Worlds, That space of impermenance where the sea, the land, and the sky meet; in particular the concept of xhaaydla: boundary or intertidal zone. This fits, for me nicely with the concept of liminality.
I am heading back to Prince George today so I will be in phone, internet, skype contact for the forseeable future. I will also not be working this week I expect and will be trying to get the bulk of the work done on my photos. Expect some work soon.
In terms of the title I am extremely happy with the concept of liminal, not so sure how mined fits in.
As I understand the roots of the concept of liminality it refers to “the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of rituals, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the ritual is complete. During a ritual's liminal stage, participants "stand at the threshold" between their previous way of structuring their identity, time, or community, and a new way, which the ritual establishes.”
Of course much further development of this concept has been happing and our works shall contribute to this expanding of the sense of this idea. I have been preoccupied lately with new theories of consciousness that regard it as the space between phenomenal perception and active memory which works really well for me this existential ideas I have been working on for some time.
For my photo project I am trying to use the idea of successive modulations through different tones of photo texture that transform the nature of perception. The subject matter of the photo then hopefully through resonance with the observer will occupy the space of memory or draw up memories rather, associations, in short perceptions and then the tonal work creates the space of liminality.
I am quite inspired by the work that has been shared so far. Although it brings up questions for me regarding the nature of the presentation of our collaboration. I am not sure what the installation will look like, how are works will be related. I am excited to converse on this.
Hari, as a note, I have been particularly struck by six of your poems, visually struck: water soluble, first borne, seven, departure, rock soft and ode. I believe that there are photographs in my collection that resonate,
Sorry I have been so hard to track down everyone, i'll be working on this pretty much daily now so I should be able to catch up and contribute more.
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